7 Simpler Ways To Get More YouTube Subscribers

Growing a youtube channel can be one of the frustrating hassles especially for newbies who might have thought of it as the easiest way to social media success.

You may be considering buying youtube subscribers or praying for some free ways to that huge number on your youtube account [ sorry, there will never be that manna ]. But there are easy and simple ways you can use to grow your youtube faster than it takes for 7 out of 10 youtube account owners.

Youtube is currently the biggest platform for video content or video blogging which is known as vlogging as of 2021 [ and there may be no challenger in the next few decades ] though Instagram and Facebook have also launched the plan of paying video content makers, there are so many reasons why they are several miles larking behind youtube.

With more than a billion monthly visits to the platform, there is a promised huge audience for video content and that is why most content creators think of youtube first before any other platform.

Aside from personal blogs, youtube is the only platform where youtube stars get into the kind of vis-a-vis engagement with their followers and get paid for that.

Now, you must Be looking for ways to revamp that your youtube channel hence your reading this article, therefore I am going to show you 8 simpler ways to get more youtube subscribers.

Simpler Ways To Get More YouTube Subscribers

  • USE WATERMARK FOR YOUR CONTENTS – This is the easiest hack you can use to get more subscribers to your youtube channel. Youtube also allows you to add watermarks to your videos [ look at the image below ]. And is always advisable to use your logo and subscribe button on your video as the watermark. This can work for all social media platforms. In case someone downloaded a portion of your video and post it elsewhere without removing your logo, you still have a chance of having some viewers tracing you on your main account and that is the work of the logo as a watermark

7 Simpler Ways To Get More YouTube Subscribers

  • CONFIGURE YOUTUBE ACCOUNT DEFAULT –  This is one of the nicest hacks as well. Just as the first one. This tip is strictly about ‘ default subscribe reminder’. Just don’t forget to remind your viewers as many times as you can in a single video to subscribe to your channel.  One thing per my personal observation is since the subscribe reminder has just become like a norm, most viewers overlook it, so you can pause your video a second and ask your viewers to subscribe. Or you can make one video just to ‘beg’ for subscriptions. Tell them how important their subscription is to you and your channel. Interestingly on youtube, the setting runs through your future uploads as well. To set this, head youtube default page and add the description that you will like to. Check the image below.

7 Simpler Ways To Get More YouTube Subscribers

  • USE THUMBNAILS – Thumbnails are supposed to place at number one but all the same, it is here. I am just trying to tell you how important thumbnails are. They trigger a higher click-through rate [ CTR ]. Designing the best thumbnails can positively affect your youtube life in a short period of time. Each video must come with a custom thumbnail. A custom thumbnail with a minor annotation will tell your viewers what your video is all about.YouTube currently offers a selection of thumbnails from three intervals – at the 1/4th mark, at 1/2 mark, and at the 3/4th mark. Choose the one that best illustrates what your video is about.YouTube thumbnails help you attract new users to your channel and if you are not designing catchy thumbnails, you are missing out a lot.The idle size for YouTube Thumbnails is 1280 x 720 pixels. You can use this site in creating your thumbnails.

7 Simpler Ways To Get More YouTube Subscribers

  • HAVE A PLAN AND SCRIPT FOR YOUR YOUTUBE CHANNEL – Failing to plan is planning to fail, that is no doubt. Before you create detailed content you must have a plan of what you want to create. Have a structured plan for your videos. Decide what your channels main target is and that must be what you love doing. Do not mimic what a successful channel is doing. Videos everywhere tend to perform better when they are scripted and done accordingly. This helps in staying on track, knowing the right words to use, auctions to take and when to apply the call to action [ subscribe, like, turn on notification ETC ]. Furthermore, scripting helps in understanding your audience; are they dumb or smart? English speaking or which language, what are their level of expertise in relation to yours [ so you know how to do more explanations ]


  • CONSIDER COLLABORATING WITH FELLOW YOUTUBERS – This is everywhere but always overlooked. The creative process is a constructive one, and seeing other YouTubers as your competitors will only impede your progress, leaving you languishing and loathing others’ successes.Try to reach out to similar users in your field and ask them out for an opportunity to work together on something interesting.You’ll be able to connect to a new audience, your collaborator will be able to connect to a new audience, and your viewers will love all of this extra value they’re getting.It’s a win-win-win. One of the reasons musicians collaborate a lot. Because music is one of the least paying niches on youtube, you need an audience for huge streams for higher income.

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  • Interact with your loyal fan base. – Social media is built upon this intangible thread of connecting and interacting with fellow people. It is all about how much you care. When your fans know that you care about them, they will care about you.Interact with your audience, and listen to their requests in the comments section of your videos. It is true that you may face certain backlashes and anger in your comments section, but brush it off with elegance and listen to your loyal fan base.Reply to the comments under your videos, and make your viewers feel connected all the time. This will build trust, and they will respect you for caring about them.
  • DO GIVE AWAY ONCE IN A WHILE – Who doesn’t love giveaways?Offer your audience something in return for all of their engagement on your YouTube channel.A free YouTube giveaway or video contest will reward your current followers and will help lure in new followers.You can give away anything you want:A new tech gadget.
    A branded t-shirt.
    A hosting subscription.
    A new car…!
    Whatever it is, your audience will love the chance of getting something for free, and they will tell all of their friends about it (especially if the prize is really good). This is not only free promotion, it’s free viral promotion.For a really big giveaway, many YouTube hosts require users to follow all of their social media profiles to enter into the contest. I recommend this approach.

    It’s best if the thing you’re giving away is related to your niche, but even if it’s not, your audience will still love getting something for free.

There are always new ways of boosting your youtube numbers like using Twitter and Facebook groups and ads as well as google ads and there will be more tricks on this. But these few are those that don’t require money nor technical know-how to do. Just your laptop and internet connectivity with passion.

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