Top 10 Online Jobs that Pay Daily in 2022

Economic and employment challenges especially in the developing countries through a global phenomenon have made a lot of people look for Online jobs that pay daily to offset their bills.

Frankly speaking, finding such online jobs that pay daily with other benefits may not come easily as expected on normal searches on the Internet.

A good online job with daily payment should be devoid of scams and other related fraudulent activities online

In the light of the above challenges, we present to you the top 10 most reliable online jobs that pay daily, devoid of scams.

Online Jobs that Pay Daily Freelancing Writing

The fastest way of getting online jobs that pay daily is to engage in the freelance writer profession that’s if you are good at writing.

A freelance writer is an act of getting hired by someone to write content and other related written materials for a blog, online publication, products, etc., for money according to specifications.

How Freelance Writing Works

Freelance writers may be an individual or groups individuals who operate on their own or as a company in providing writing series.

They are solely responsible for getting work, managing their work, recording the finances, doing the groups, they can get clients from any part of the world.

In essence, if you have a passion for writing and can work efficiently, you can earn a good amount of money as a freelance writer after you complete a writing assignment.

In terms of payment, depending on your country, if you have a delay in receiving payment after completing your assignments, you can create a profile on Fiverr or Upwork and get paid immediately.

Another good site to work as a freelance writer and get paid instant is Listverse.

In all, if you want to write an article for a particular website, make sure to read and agree to their submission and payment terms before you start.

As a freelance writer, working with clients alone is optional.

You can widen your clients based by creating an online portfolio on a site like Contently or create your writer site so clients can see your work and inquire about doing business with you.

In your niche, you can send some works to your prospective clients to see if they need a regular contributor or just one writing help. Remember to include in your contract terms how you charge and want to be paid.


Transcription is an of writing spoken words or sounds of a foreign language into text or written word.

In the transcription process, you simply turn audio recordings, rates, test systems, listening to people’s speeches into a texts format.

During the process of transcription, you are to identify the speakers, remove speech errors, remove verbatim, avoid repetitions, and correct errors in punctuation.

With a transcription job, you can work from home and get paid daily. All you need are tools like earphones with volume control, noise-canceling headphones, a laptop, a foot pedal, etc.


• Go to

• Click on the log in

• Look for any file to a transcript

• Click on listen to preview

• Download the desired file

• Save it on document

• Click on make my job, so that other transcripts will not work on the job

• Click on import audio or videos

• Click on start transcript

• After transcription you will export the file to text files

• Copy the work to Grammarly tool to check and correct errors

• Copy the work to transcription editor

• After it, you save the transcripted documents.


If you are looking for an online job that requires no educational qualifications and pays daily according to your interest, then proofreading is the answer.

Proofreading is the procedure of reviewing a text for errors in grammar, punctuation, spelling, and style.

Proofreading is vital in the final publishing step because it sees to it that texts are free from mistakes that could confuse or mislead readers.

It is also essential for ensuring consistency in style and formatting.

Mostly, proofreaders use different tools and methods to spot errors in the work by reading the text aloud, looking for missing words or punctuation marks, and searching for inconsistencies.

Proofreaders can as well compare the text with a template or other reference materials to assist in identifying any discrepancies and errors.

Proofreaders earn money by reviewing content before publishing through any medium like blog posts, reports, ebooks, etc.

The most unique thing about a proofreading job is that you can work from home and charge clients according to your terms and conditions like upfront or after delivery of the finished work.

You can get proofreading jobs from sites like FlexJobs and Upwork.

All you need to do is to log in to the upwork site create a profile and sign up with them.


Upwork is a platform for someone who wants to make extra cash or full payment daily, doing some freelancing jobs.

Upwork is an online freelance platform where individuals earn money by offering freelance services like writing, proofreading, graphic design,eBay marketer, game developer, etc.

Under upwork, clients usually post some projects and some qualified freelancers who specialize in the area bid for the project.

That is, you can hire someone for a job or make money by providing freelance tasks.

Upwork offers jobs for people who are good at design and creativity, sales and marketing, writing, translation, admin, customers support, finance and accounting, etc. to work from home.

Some Tips on how to Make Money Under Upwork Platform

• Make sure that in your proposal, you identify what value you can add to your prospective client’s projects.

Provide samples of some of the projects you have done that are similar to what clients are asking for.

• Be formal and straight to the point to avoid unnecessary introduction because clients are not interested in knowing you, he/she is interested in getting the work done adequately.

• The next thing you must note under upwork is that if you want to be hired frequently, you must write a good proposal and profile describing your skills.

How to Sign up with Upwork

• Go to

• Click on sign up

• Put your email address

• Put your password and users name

• Click on create an account as a freelancer

Next is to create a portfolio for employment eligibility

HOW TO CREAT Portfolio

• Click on getting started

• Click on a category to select the service you want to render

• Click on expertise to put in your specialization

• Click on expertise level for your level of experience

• Click on educational to select educational qualifications

• Put your employment

• Click on the language to select your language

• Click on the money to put in your rate

• Click on terms and conditions

• Click on to download profile picture

• Select your location

• Your phone contact

After this, you have gotten your profile ready for work.
Click on find job to view the type of job you can perform

Taking Online Surveys

Taking surveys online is one of the most fastest and reliable ways of earning money online daily by just data collection through a website.

The online survey is a situation where some sets of survey questions are sent out to a target audience and the members of the audience will respond to the questions

Online surveys become necessary when a company wants to get feedback about its products or services, changes in marketing strategies, enhancement in current features, etc.

With the data collected from the survey, the company can now analyze and make necessary changes regarding the future of the company.

Taking an online survey is not a difficult task and you can sign up for as many survey sites as you want which will enable you to log in and take surveys according to your schedule time.

For payment, you will earn points or cash after each successful survey which increases your account balance.

Below are some of the reliable survey sites that will offer you online jobs for daily payments:


Survey Junkie

Vindale Research

Pinecone Research

Affiliate  Marketing

Affiliate marketing will allow you to earn real online money daily when you sell Products that are not yours by promoting or advertising them.

Top 10 Online Jobs that Pay daily in 2022

Affiliate marketing is a system of marketing that involves an individual or company promoting the sale of products by another party in exchange for commissions.

Affiliate marketing is often used with other aspects of online marketing like search engine optimization (SEO) and social media marketing through links promotion.

Some of the affiliate networks include Amazon Associates, Click Bank, ShareASale, Commission Junction, Rakuten Marketing, CJ Affiliate, etc.

How to Earn Money Through Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate Marketing can also earn you money daily through referral links when you promote brands, products, and services using social media platforms, blog posts, etc.

Below are the simple steps you can follow if you want to earn as an affiliate marketer.

• Go to

• Choose the niche you are comfortable with

• Search for products you would like to promote

• Click on the keyword related to the product

• Click on promote

• Enter your information

• Click on create an affiliate link

• Click on generate an uplink

• Create informative content, blogs, or articles on the niche

• Add the affiliate link you have generated to the content of the products you are promoting

• Ask or answer questions related to the product you are promoting

• Add your website or blog link to the question you are asking or answering

• When someone reads through the question you are asking or answering, they may likely Click on the link you added

• When any purchase is made via affiliate links you get a commission on those products.

Flea Market Flipping

The best way to make daily money online from your old items is at a flea market.

The flea market is an online market platform where buying and selling of used items from home, offices, big organizations take place.

In an actual sense, flipping an item means acquiring them at a lower price and curing them up so you can sell them for a higher profit.

Things like furniture, clothes toys, electronics, home décor, office appliances, cars, and any other unused items that are just lying around your home can be flipped in a flea market.

Those items can be listed on sites like Craigslist, Offerup, Facebook marketplace, Bonanza, etc.

In all, your daily payments now depend on the number of items you list, sell and promote.


Fiverr is an online freelance marketplace or platform where buyers and sellers meet for the exchange of services through the offering of gigs.


Top 10 Online Jobs that Pay daily in 2022
More so, Fiverr is a website where you can hire the services of a freelance writer, graphic designer, website developer, etc., for a certain period at a particular price.

In Fiverr, we have a seller who offers the services and a buyer who looks for services.

The word services in Fiverr are known as gigs. One person can have as many gigs as possible, offering a different service.

Fiverr is entirely free to enroll. Among the jobs that pay daily, you can post any kind of gigs and create packages.

How to Set up a FIVERR Seller Account

• Go to Fiverr .com

• If you want to become a seller, click on the seller

• Click on the gigs you can render

• Put in your email address

• Choose a users name

• Login to your email to activate your account

• Click on the picture icon to set up your profile

• Upload you’re your profile picture

• Click on the description to add details about yourself and additional experiences, hobbies, etc.

• Select your language

• Link up your account with Google

• Add your skills

• Add your level of Education qualification

• Select the option that best described you

• Click on save.


Top 10 Online Jobs that Pay daily in 2022

When talking about online jobs that pay daily, blogging tops that chart. With blogging, you stand a chance of making hundreds of dollars daily.

A blog is a website platform wherein people’s information, knowledge, ideas, interest, skills, life experiences are shared to educate and inspire people.

The blog is the best online platform to reach your audience and earn money. A Blog and Blogging both are the same, but sometimes people differentiate them accordingly.

If you think of making money online, then you should write a blog with valuable content. It is the best medium to make money in dollars.

It will interest you to know that millions of people on the internet search on so many things on google. So, if you are good at writing then you should make it your career which will help you in daily earning.

Some successful bloggers earn millions through blogging. Come to think of it, if you have good writing skills and SEO knowledge-making millions of dollars daily may not be far from them.

How to Make Money Online from blogging

If you have a large audience on Facebook, it’s high time you started thinking about Blogging.

Build a blog and among other sources, drive traffic to it from your Facebook audience and earn some dollars.

This is how to start a blog

Get a good website designer to build you a simple but well-optimized blog using WordPress and host it on Namecheap, Bluehost, Linode, Digital ocean, siteground, or cloudways.

Choose a niche, that is what you want to blog about. Please note that earning from your blog through Google AdSense is directly proportional to your niche and source of traffic.

In blogging, depending on your country, news or entertainment blog would be miles apart in earnings from an Insurance blog.

This is because people are willing to spend more money on insurance than News, so google places a higher CPC on the former than the latter.

After you are done with niche selection, learn more about Onsite Seo, technical SEO, backlinking, content marketing, monetization to Offsite SEO, and chief of all of them – in organic traffic.

Once your contents are ready, post and publish it on your blog and finally, apply for Google AdSense.

Application review on this aspect takes a week to two or even more, depending on Google and your country.

But If you want to bypass this Google procedure, just buy an approved AdSense account and make sure you get an account with a domain and that the seller transfers the same to you.

As soon as your blog is ready, AdSense set, contents keep coming in, then your focus should be on traffic generation and conversion.

Good traffic, good money.
More traffic, more money!

These are the best among other online jobs that pay daily to help you begin the journey of financial freedom.