Resign Or Get Fired – Nana Addo Carlos Ahenkorah

The deputy minister for Trade and Member of Parliament for Tema East Carlos Ahenkorah has been given an ultimatum by the President Nana Addo to resign or be fired.

The ultimatum was given to him after the MP granted interviews to several radio stations in Accra confirming he visited registration centres despite his COVID-19 postive status.

According to Mr Ahenkorah, he was admitted at the Korle Bu Teaching Hospital on Thursday but was discharged on Friday morning after his condition improved. He also confirmed that he was diagnosed of the deadly disease on 23 June and was asked self-isolate but he decided to visit several registration centres because he was asymptomatic.

Majority of Ghanaians have descended on the MP on social media describing his behavior as irresponsible and undermining the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic and does the president Nana Addo. has, however, gathered that the MP moments after his embarrassing interview was asked to resign by the President.

It is believe that Mr. Carlos Ahenkorah will resign in the coming days

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