Fully Funded Berea College Scholarship 2022/2023 – Best Way To Apply

As a private liberal artwork college based in Kentucky, the Berea college is the only one among America’s top colleges that award every enrolled student a no-tuition promise through the Berea College scholarship program. No student pays tuition fees at Berea college.

The fully-funded Berea college scholarship is available to all students around the world who want to begin their undergraduate studies at the school in 2022/2023.

The scholarship is available every admission year, as soon you meet their requirements and gained admission to the school, you are guaranteed a no-tuition award which amounts to $176k for most across the 4 years of academia at the school.

Fully Funded Berea College Scholarship

In this article, we will take a look at the summary of the Berea College scholarship, the benefits, available courses, required documents, eligibility criteria and how to apply.

Berea College Scholarship Summary

Institution [ s]  Berea College
Level of Study Undergraduate
Program period  Four [ 4 ] years or longer depending on your program duration
Country Of Study USA
Courses available Computer Science, Biology, Arts, Nursing, business and more
Eligible Language English Language
Eligible countries  The scholarship is accessible to everyone eligible worldwide

Required Documents For Berea College Application

• International Application for Admission and Scholarship form.
• International Personal Essay and Essay Cover Sheet.
• Official scores from at least one of the following exams: TOEFL, IELTS, ACT or SAT. You should register and take the test early in order to include a copy of your scores in your packet and to meet the deadline.

• Official secondary school records.
• Personal Statement of Financial Circumstances.
• International Financial Questionnaire (IFQ).
• International Financial Recommendation Form.
• Two (2) Admission Recommendation forms, at least one of which should be written by a current or former teacher.

The Berea College also highly recommends the following curriculum and those who have it have higher chances of getting enrollment.

  • 2 units of foreign languages
  • 2 units of social science and history
  • 4 units of English including composition, rhetorics and literature
  • 3 units of Mathematics including Algebra l, Algebra ll and Geometry

Berea College Scholarship Coverage

The Berea College scholarship covers the following:

  • 100% funding to 100% enrolled international students for the first year of enrollment. This is a combination of financial aid and scholarship to cater for the cost of tuition, board, room and fees.
  • Summer jobs for international students so they can meet the obligatory $1,000 savings towards their subsequent expenses.
  • International students’ $50 entrance fee and $2.2k enrollment confirmation fee are also saved towards their other expenses in their four years of study on the campus.
  • First-year $2k wages accrued by international students from paid on-campus jobs through the colleges’ Work Program throughout the year help the students with personal expenses.

Application Deadline For Berea College is currently closed but will soon be opened for the 2022/2023 application. Keep an on their official website 

How To Apply for Berea College

  1. Visit the application page  and click on Start Application
  2. Create My Coalition profile on the application portal
  3. Choose the type of application [ Transfer or First Year ]
  4. Download and fill out the application form here
  5. Note that the application must be submitted before the deadline. Status Update will be given by January 31. Decision notification would be sent to you by March 31, and you must deposit the required amounts as stated above as the entrance fee by May 1.

Read: Best Scholarships For Undergraduate Studies Abroad