Ken Agyapong Exposes Obinim Again On Fake Ressurection

Kennedy Agyapong alleges that Obinim’s claim to have resurrected a dead person is unfounded because it was staged.

Kennedy Agyapong’s expose on Obinim never seems to be stopping with the business mogul and politician taking yet another swipe at Obinim.

This time around, Kennedy alleges that the video of Obinim reviving a presumed dead lady was a complete hoax.

According to Kennedy, the entire miracle was strategically planned and executed to perfection by Obinim himself.

Furthermore, Kennedy revealed that the lady by name Akoto from Bonwire was taken to Bosore by Obinim and dressed like a corpse ready for burial. Obinim then asked for her to be brought to the church and in one of his services faked raising her from the dead.


Kennedy claimed that it was after this fake miracle that Obinim was conferred, Reverend Doctor. A video that seems to back Kennedy’s assertion has surfaced on social media.

In the video, Obinim called for the dead body of the lady in question to be brought to him. He then addressed the congregation by saying that the lady’s soul has left her body

Obinim continued by saying that God had granted him the power as an ordained angel of God to save and protect her.

After laying hands on her for a moment, the lady by name Beatrice started moving and finally rose to her feet with the congregation yelling praises on the Bishop.

Netizens are convinced that the miracle in this video is what Kennedy Agyapong was referring to. Others are also in doubt because Obinim calls the lady in the video Beatrice whiles Kennedy alleged that her name was Akoto.