PhD Scholarships In The UK – Gates Cambridge Scholarship 2023. Apply Now

The Gates Cambridge award runs two sets of Gates Cambridge scholarship selections each year.  The first set is for US citizens or residents in the US and the international award which every other person outside the US can apply for.

This year’s application round will be open in September, follow the steps below to know what to do as this article takes you through what to expect and what you will need to provide in your application to stand a chance of winning the Gates Cambridge scholarship.

The Gates Cambridge Scholarship is a Bill and Melinda Gates scholarship at the Cambridge university to help students who are intellectually outstanding, committed to improving the lives of others and has the leadership potential to pursue a full-time post graduate degree in any available subject at the University of Cambridge.

  • Number Of Scholarships: 80 scholarships with approximately 2/3 of them being offered to PhD students. 25 awards to US citizens, and 55 to international students.
  • Level Of Study: PhD
    – Master Of Science [MSc]
    – Master Of Letters [MLitt]
    – Master of Philosophy (MPhil)
  • Institution: Cambridge University

US Citizens Application To Gates Cambridge Scholarship

This is the first and the early set and Gates Cambridge scholarship selection run for only citizens and permanent residents in the United States. Students meeting this eligibility must apply before the 13th of October and submit every necessary document including references by this date.

Stage  Date 
Application opens Early September
Application deadline Midway October
Departmental Ranking Late October to midway November
Applicants Notification 10th December
Online review and selection by panels January
Scholarships Offered Late January
Scholarships accepted 72 hours after offer.


International Students’ Application To Gates Cambridge Scholarship Deadline

Stage  Date
Applications Opens Early September
Application Deadline Depending on your course, early December or early January
Applicants Notification February
Scholarship offered Late March
Scholarship acceptance 72 hours after the offer

What Does The Gates Cambridge Award Cover?

This full-tuition scholarship with other additional discretionary funding

1. Full composition fee

2. Annual stipend of £17,848 – for up to 4 years for PhD scholars.

3. Two economy air tickets at the beginning and the end of studies at the university.

4. Inbound visa cost and also the cost Immigration Health Surcharge

Other Fundings That Come With Gates Cambridge Scholarship

This list of funding comes with the Gates Cambridge award on a discretionary basis.

1.  Academic development funding: £500 up to £2,000 to attend conferences and courses.

2. Family Allowance: £10,120 for a child and £14,440 for two or more children. There is no support fund for a partner.

3. Fieldwork: While on the field as part fo your PhD coursework, you can apply to keep up to your normal maintenance allowance.

4. Maternity/Paternity Funding: Intermitting your course for up to six while still receiving your maintenance allowance.

5. Hardship Funding: For mishaps and unforeseen difficulties.

Eligibility Criteria Of The Gates Cambridge Scholarship

1. You must be a non-UK citizen

2. You can apply if you are willing to pursue one of the following full-time residential courses to study at the University: PhD, MSc, MLitt or One-year postgraduate course.

3. Academic excellence

4. An outstanding intellectual ability

5. A commitment to improving the lives of others.

6. A leadership potential

How To Apply For Gates Cambridge Scholarship

It is always advisable to do thorough reading and research on your prospective course and including its requirements, deadlines and its supporting documents before starting your application package. You will find all those information about Cambridge university courses in the course directory. 

Once in the course directory, click the Apply Online button to be directed to the Application portal. You should submit your application through the application portal.

Interested in a PhD program, you will have to discuss your research with a supervisor. To contact a supervisor,

1. Via the course directory page, select your desired program

2. On your program’s page, under ‘Key Information’, click on ‘Course Department website’

3. On the course department website, look for ‘CDT Board’, ‘Contact’, ‘Academic Team [ or anything similar ]. You must find a potential supervisor’s contact there to talk to.

After shortlisting, if you make the list, you will be invited for an interview, depending on where you are, you can attend in person or via skype.

Further inquires about the Gates Cambridge scholarship, you can contact the board at [email protected].

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