Video: Singer Efya To Die?

According to the prophet, Nigel Gaisie, Efya should run to a man of God for deliverance as soon as possible if she wants to live.

The controversial man of God said God revealed to him the death of Efya and she can choose to contact him or any powerful man of God but she has to act.

She explained that the prophecy is no joke and Efya should treat it with all the emergency it deserves.

Nigel Gaisie gave the prophecy during a live program on his TV station. He also warned his party, NDC to start working on his prophecy that Mahama will win the 2020 elections.

Nigel Gaisie

This is not the first time Nigel Gaisie has given a death prophecy to a national figure.

It was the same self-styled prophet who prophesied the death of the late Ebony Reigns that ended up happening exactly the month he mentioned.

The same Prophet also caused the breakup and confusion between Kwadwo Nkansah Lilwin and his former manager, Zack GH.

In fact, he has given deadly prophecies to celebrities and high personalities in Ghana more than any other prophet in Ghana. I guess we should call him ‘prophet of doom’. However, l believe this particular prophesy will fail. Did you say ‘Amen’? Please a louder ‘amen’. Watch the video below.

Video: Mahama’s Running Mate Will Die- Prophet Owusu Bempah