decided to check on twitter what’s trending this Sunday morning and to our surprise the trend was “Ewurama”. Anytime those types of name trend, there is a story behind it. So we did a little digging
Twitter users are in a deep conversation talking about “Ewurama” and trolling that name with insults and funny praises. You might be wondering who is the Ewurama they are referring to and what has Ewurama done to them this morning.
Well, the story is simply, there is an account on twitter with the name “Ewurama” and that account is a “catfish account”. Catfish means two faces, using someone’s picture on social media.
The funny thing is, the “Catfish account” with the user name “Ewurama” is handled by a male using female photos to defraud any male that comes to his DM. Funny right, yes lots of twitter users are crying that he has taken 100ghc MoMo from them and many more.

What a funny world we live in, sorry to all those that fell for it and maybe next time is not anyone lady on social media you have to go after… LOL!!