Why Short Women Marry Tall Men

You may be wondering why short women marry tall men if you’ve ever experienced rejection from a woman due to your height.

Some research indicates that as many as 80% of short women marry tall men, and the proportions are similar among college-educated women. What do you think is the reason that short women often marry taller men?

The reason that short women marry tall men often is that tall men are more likely to be attracted to short women. The taller a man, the less attractive he is to shorter women. In contrast, women who are taller than the average height are more likely to marry shorter men

Short women want tall men for reasons other than money or height; for example, tall men are perceived to be more masculine and typically have a higher social status.

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The study

A team of researchers examined the data from two different surveys. One survey was of just under 18,000 American couples, the other was of nearly 1.4 million Swedish couples.

In the American survey, the height difference between husbands and wives had increased by about 3 inches since the 1960s. In Sweden, the difference had decreased by about an inch over the same period.

The advantages of height in a relationship

A 2004 study found that men who are taller than their partners reported higher levels of relationship satisfaction.

The study, which was published in the journal “Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin,” used data from more than 400 couples in the U.S., and considered factors such as self-esteem and social status.

Researchers found that short men were more likely to feel insecure about their masculinity, and tended to place a higher emphasis on physical attractiveness in a relationship.

Short women play a game and marry taller men for money or power

“It’s not just about being short. It’s all about the money that they’re going to inherit,” and points out that a lot of these women are marrying people with a lot of money.

In conclusion, the ideal man may not be the tallest in them.

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