Photos: The Louis Vuitton ‘Chale Wote’ That Costs Ghc4,167

It is called flip-flop slippers or sandals but in Ghana, it’s popular called “Chale Wote” and it’s mostly worn in the bathroom and also serves as casual wear for most people (hustlers).

In Ghana, “Chale Wote” doesn’t cost Ghc5 but according to a post on Naija_PR Twitter handle, the below Louis Vuitton flip-flop slippers aka “Chale Wote” costs N280,000 (Ghc4, 167)

As a Ghanaian, would you buy this Louis Vuitton Chale Wote for Ghc4, 167 knowing that you can get one at the market for less than Ghc5?

Well, this customized Chale Wote being sold for Ghc4, 167 by Louis Vuitton has generated a lot of funny reactions on Twitter.

For the rich, it’s nothing to worry about but it’s actually nonsense to the poor and those struggling in life.

Chale wote Chale wote

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