Domelevo’s ‘Proceed On Leave’ Was Orchestrated For Parochial Interest.

Dr. Richard Baah believes the force behind Auditor-General Mr. Domelevo’s compiled leave is for parochial interest within the rulling government.

Political Scientist, Dr. Richard Amoako Baah is of a strong conviction that, the President’s decision to compel the embattled Auditor-General (A-G), Mr. Daniel Yao Domelevo to proceed on an accumulated leave in the wake of legal battling between his office and the Senior Minister, Mr. Yaw Osafo Maafo was orchestrated by persons with parochial interest within the government.

“I have one question, if a man is doing his work as Auditor-General and he has a disagreement with the Senior Minister and the President comes in to say proceed on leave, he should proceed on leave for doing what? …for doing his job well or not doing his job”, Dr. Richard Amoako Baah asked rhetorically

According to the former NPP National Chairman , President Nana Akufo-Addo was ill-advised by so-called young people in government hijacking both party and government affairs.

Unfortunately, our party we’ve turned it over to some young people; they behave as they alone know everything and what they say is final, the rest of us are not part of it”, Dr. Richard Amoako Baah bemoaned in a broadcast monitored by reporters in Kumasi

“It makes the President looks bad  [and] I don’t know who’s is advising him”, Dr. Amoako Baah pointed out taking swipe at President Akufo-Addo’s credentials to dispense justice irrespective of anyone alleged to have committed financial malfeasance against the State.

“Please don’t get me wrong. I’m not doing it because I haven’t got any position. This is what I am. You heard me talking when Mahama was a President”, Dr. Richard Amoako Baah cast out possible doubt of being accused of turning his back to NPP at few months to December 7 polls.

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