No Charm Catches A Man Like Respect And Submissiveness- Man Reveals

A Nigerian man identified as Maximus Ann-Kio Briggs has revealed the best charm ladies use to attract men to themselves.

You might have heard all of the best quotes about getting your spouse to listen and obey you, but I guess not this one. Not this one because, gender equality preachers have removed this one to achieve the theme of their messages. Nevertheless, you can still try this.

Maximus took to Facebook some moments ago to advise ladies that the best way to attract a man is to shower him with respect and be submissive.

According to him, men love it when ladies respect them and do what they want them to do. He further beckoned on ladies to try out his suggestion and thank him later.

In his words;

“No charm catches a man like respect, soft word approach and submissiveness. Try it and thank me later”.


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